Saturday 29 May 2010

Cliff Worley died (again) today

I have lost count the number of times I've watched True Romance and there is no doubt that the Sicilians speech Cliff Worley gives just before his untimely death is one of the most memorable in modern cinema.

And now the real speaker of those words, the late, great Dennis Hopper has passed away too. Luckily not at the hand of Christopher Walken or any other Sicilian mobsters, but unluckily by Cancer.

Hopper has had an amazing film career, yes for every Easy Rider or Apocalypse Now there might be a Super Mario Bros. movie, but surely no one can begrudge an actor who has to live and has families to support (Hopper had 5 marriages - 1 for just 9 days), their job is to act - not to write the script. Besides just imagine the meeting where the casting agents thought Frank Booth would be great in a kids film.

Being a child of the 70s, Hopper came into my life in my late teens with Cool Hand Luke, Easy Rider, Apocalypse Now, The Trip, River's Edge and Blue Velvet all being watched on videos late into the night. Hopper isn't for daytime or evening consumption - he's a creature for the night. Hopper brought Feck and Frank Booth into our cinematic consciousness in 1985 how bonkers is that? For those who haven't seen River's Edge it has the also fantastic Crispin Glover out Dennis Hopper-ing Hopper and even Keanu Reeves pulls a half decent performance.

I sat and watched mesmerized by True Romance at the cinema it's almost perfect in every way, I went with a few mates and we probably snuck some bottles of beer into the cinema, which we always did around then - always a far more civilised way to watch a film. A friend went to see it on a first date. I've always been jealous of that, what a great first date movie.

Hopper was also a photographer and an artist with exhibitions around the world. His work graced Ike and Tina Turner and The Smiths Greatest Hits record covers.

The last Hopper film I saw at the cinema was Land of the Dead. Hopper meets Romero, yeh sure, it's not Dawn of the Dead but hey, a decent zombie movie none the less.  "Zombies, man. They creep me out." He said as Kaufman.

Whilst Hopper won't be around to make anymore movies, he'll always be around when we press that play button on that movie and you know it's a better movie for having him in it.

Goodnight Dennis Hopper, tonight I'll raise a cold one to you.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Malcolm Tucker - Chris TT

Chris T-T rocks. It's a little known fact that should be more widely realised. On his Christmas EP Chris wrote and sang a homage to the greatest fictional spin doctor since the last - Malcolm Tucker (from BBC political comedy The Thick of It). Due to boredom, procrastination and a liking of Mr T-T's musical offerings I watched the whole of series 3 again and then edited down some clips to look suitable for the song as I don't have any footage of Chris. Enjoy.

Monday 24 May 2010

Can't Get You Outta My head #6

I've was making this (more to be revealed soon) and this came into my head to be added. SInce then I seem to  have it stuck in my head a lot. this morning it was played on the 6music breakfast show, so I took the hint.

***25 May UPDATE*** 
I meant to add that if you look at the video they look interesting, then watch the TotP performance and see how boring they really look. But then again they are from Swinedon,

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Steampunk meets Nazi Chic

I've always quite linked the idea of Steampunk, victorian style design on modern day objects and can't really afford to go out and buy the clothes that go with it, but i was looking for some goggles that will fit over my glasses and look the part.

So I've been looking on ebay and came across these:

and I have to say they just look fabulous.

I really want them but can't justify the cost. They do look ace though.

2012 Mascot

I hated that stupid London 2012 logo and it looks like I wasn't alone, however I really do like these 2 characters. Yes the do look like something Pete Fowler would do for the Super Furry Animals or as a vinyl toy and that's no bad thing. 

Yes the Hate Mail and the Torygraph will be up in arms over the cost, the fact that it isn't World Cup Willie
and that there is nothing decisively British about them but hey ho hum, up yer bum you old bastards they look ace.

For once we got it right.

Monday 17 May 2010

third stone from the sun.

as one of my first can't get you outta my head's I did Cozy Powell - dance with the Devil. Well it's the guitar riff played throughout this and the Cozy song why I like it so much and why I often find it just running around my neurological settings.

Just thought I'd add this as just played the Cozy Powell tune and it reminded me.

Can't Get You Outta My Head #5

For the last few weeks I've had this coming in and out of my head. It's the opening lines that got me:

I got a letter from the government
The other day
I opened and read it
It said they were suckers
They wanted me for their army or whatever
Picture me given' a damn I said never

Black Steel is the best track on "It Takes A Nation..." and cemented Public Enemy as the best Hip Hop outfit ever in my mind.

Album Cover of the Week #4

In my teens I went into a bit of a 60s trip. The summer vibes of 'Do You Believe in Magic' "You Didn't Have To Be So Nice' and 'Summer in the City' and songs like 'Nashville Cats' and 'Daydream' won me over as a Lovin' Spoonful fan.

I never had this album but always loved the sleeve, it's ace.

the World's favourite serial killer.

I had somehow managed to survive until now without seeing Dexter, which is kind of strange as it's the kind of thing that appeals.

Anyway have managed to get through 4 seasons of the show pretty quickly and am now a fan. I fear I might be preaching to the already converted when I say if you like good tv, then you should check it out.

Season 5 starts this autumn and I can't wait.

on my itunes today

It's not so much a can't get you outta my head, so here's just something I've listened to a few times today. I've been listening to She & Him a few times recently and then in amongst the umpteen Monkees tracks and 90s noise records it came on again this morning. This afternoon I listened to the 2 albums on random, so I thought I'd post it. Enjoy!

Sunday 9 May 2010

Can't Get You Outta My Head #4

When I was a kid I was a massive Iron Maiden fan, not so much these days, though I do have a listen from time to time.

Yesterday as we wondered around the supermarket like all the other zombies, this not only came into my head but stayed there for the rest of the day.

So here is a piece of the mighty Maiden. Enjoy!

Friday 7 May 2010

Hang the Parliament, Hang the Parliament

I've always hated that "Sun wot won it" cover after the Tories won the 1992 election and thought it might show it's ugly head again this time. As they didn't win, here is my commemorative special edition cover.

Murdoch normally backs the most likeliest of candidates, hence the switch to Labour in 1997. This time Rebekah Wade (the ex- Mrs Ross Kemp) convinced Murdoch to back the Tories earlier. Ha Ha.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Let's get the party started!

Tomorrow we'll probably awake to a new government and probably the toughest financial times I've had to deal with.

So tonight I think I'll have a cocktail before the sun goes down and tomorrow when what should be a day of hope realised, is just another day with the same old people getting richer and the poor getting poorer the hangover kicks in.

Make mine a Gibson! Cheers.

19/05/2010 - For ages I've been meaning to add the recipe for a Gibson and here we are:

  • 2 measures Gin
  • dash vermouth
  • 2 silver cocktail onions
  • handful ice cubes


Place ice, vermouth and Gin in cocktail shaker. 

Stir for 1 minute then strain into martini glass. 

Put onions on cocktail stick, place in glass



6th May 2010 the UK goes to the polls. PLEASE VOTE!