Thursday 6 May 2010

Let's get the party started!

Tomorrow we'll probably awake to a new government and probably the toughest financial times I've had to deal with.

So tonight I think I'll have a cocktail before the sun goes down and tomorrow when what should be a day of hope realised, is just another day with the same old people getting richer and the poor getting poorer the hangover kicks in.

Make mine a Gibson! Cheers.

19/05/2010 - For ages I've been meaning to add the recipe for a Gibson and here we are:

  • 2 measures Gin
  • dash vermouth
  • 2 silver cocktail onions
  • handful ice cubes


Place ice, vermouth and Gin in cocktail shaker. 

Stir for 1 minute then strain into martini glass. 

Put onions on cocktail stick, place in glass


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