Monday 12 July 2010

Save the Asian Network, close News 24.

On the back of the saving of 6music, the BBC shouldn't close the Asian Network, it should close News 24. There I’ve said it. Don’t get me wrong I can watch it for ages and when there’s not much happening it serves itself well. It’s just that when something does happen it goes to pieces.

I should point out now that I hate Sky and everything about it. Murdoch is the devil. And I try to avoid every single company that he has his fingers in. I even missed the 2nd of the political debates on the telly so I didn’t have to watch sky. Why they were in the running to show them (except of course it was Murdoch and his scum press. who wanted the televised debates) makes no sense the viewing figures were the lowest of the three.

The other day a father of three and a former drugs dealer died and it was all played out live on tv. Hour after hour after hour. Nothing happened. Except over excited journalists and “experts” threw out everything they were ever taught. Investigation and verification of facts make way for idle gossip and rumour. Scare mongering and knee jerk reactions replace good old fashion journalistic talents.

Now I expect this of Sky News and the way it is turning into the new Fox News (also owned by Murdoch) style right wing antagonistic style with awful presenters like Kay Burley. But not from the Beeb which is all and good of this free and great land.

We lost Football, Rugby and Cricket to Sky, many series started out on terrestrial only to end up on Sky. But let’s give them rolling news, it’s an awful way to keep up to date with what’s happening and it suits the profile of  Murdoch’s company.

So lets keep the Asian Network and give up on News 24.

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