Friday 16 April 2010

The Death of Thumper

I started cycling again this week and the aim is to do 100 miles a week at the moment and build on that. I cycle up and down the A6  when it's dusk, however I don't have lights at the moment and so the return trip is currently a bit of a daredevil one.

As a reminder of what can happen, as I was headed towards Lancaster I watched a small rabbit make it across the road, only for it to turn around and be caught under the wheel of a car as it went back onto the road. I had hoped that the car would have seen and swerved or something but to no avail.

To make things worse I don't have a cycling playlist on my ipod at the moment, I have one called "Music to paint to" from when I was decorating the new house and music I wouldn't normally have for cycling is on there.

I had grabbed the most played songs (more than 5 times) on my ipod and bunged it into the playlist folder. A fatal mistake as the playlist littered with kids tunes, which I keep on finding more of despite having removed the majority of them.

But as Thumper met his untimely end it wasn't a kids tune that came on as I cycled on passed. It was REM's 'Everybody Hurts'
and it made the sad moment even sadder and the next mile or two didn't go by as fast as it should have done.

This one goes out to you Thumper!

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